Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sorting and Searching in Generic List

Many times I have come across sorting a list or searching an object from list.
Here I am putting those code blocks that can help us to do so....


List persons = PopulatePersonList();
//Sort A-Z
persons.Sort(delegate(Person x, Person y)
return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);

For Z-A sorting, we should use,
return y.Name.CompareTo(x.Name);


List persons = PopulatePersonList();
Person p =
persons.Find(delegate(Person x)
if (x.Name == "abc")
return true;
return false;

The above delegate implementation can also be replaced with static function call as shown below.

List persons = PopulatePersonList();
Person p = persons.Find(IsPersonInList);

private static bool IsPersonInList(Person x)
if(x.Name == "abc")
return true;
return false;

Yep ! That's It...

Happy Coding__

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